Visual Prefs No dis-repect to the author, but it makes coding a GUI a nightmare. Trinity Player is 100% system compliant, but having Visual Prefs mess about with system GUI elements that shouldn't be touched causes no-end of trouble. TP's window will appear smaller than it should be height-wise. The Preferences window will also appear smaller than it should be and all the gadgets will look slightly wrong and possibly completely flat depending on your VP setup. Here's the biggy: The Preferences module will flash the screen and quit. This is what happens when the module has faced something that will crash it completely - it exits as quickly as possible. MiniTPs' (both MagicWB and GadTools versions) Log Window causes a weird crash when being re-sized. This is yet another Visual Prefs' problem. I can't seem to sort it out, although I hope to have it done by the next release. |